Easily activate your AI sourcing copilot
Source on our AI talent search engine and reach out to the best candidates on Linkedin, Email & Phone. Get interviews easy at scale.
Real-Time Job Description Analysis
Our AI will analyse your 'jobdesc' and find the best talents through 1 billion profiles.
Real-Time Job Description Analysis
Our AI will analyse your 'jobdesc' and find the best talents through 1 billion profiles.
Real-Time Job Description Analysis
Our AI will analyse your 'jobdesc' and find the best talents through 1 billion profiles.
Automated Candidate Ranking
Let our AI analyze and rank profiles based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising talents first.
Automated Candidate Ranking
Let our AI analyze and rank profiles based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising talents first.
Automated Candidate Ranking
Let our AI analyze and rank profiles based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising talents first.
Automated outreach
Reach out to hundreds of talents a day with automated and highly personalized messages sent in minutes.
Automated outreach
Reach out to hundreds of talents a day with automated and highly personalized messages sent in minutes.
Automated outreach
Reach out to hundreds of talents a day with automated and highly personalized messages sent in minutes.
AI-Powered Talent Sourcing
Let AI analyze and rank applicants based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising candidates first.
AI-Powered Talent Sourcing
Let AI analyze and rank applicants based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising candidates first.
AI-Powered Talent Sourcing
Let AI analyze and rank applicants based on qualifications, experience, and skills, ensuring you focus on the most promising candidates first.
Powerful features tailored to your needs
Gain valuable data-driven insights into talent markets worldwide.
AI-powered natural language search
Cutting-edge recruitment AI that outperforms filters and booleans.
AI-powered natural language search
Cutting-edge recruitment AI that outperforms filters and booleans.
AI-powered natural language search
Cutting-edge recruitment AI that outperforms filters and booleans.
AI-powered natural language search
Cutting-edge recruitment AI that outperforms filters and booleans.
AI screening for precise matches
Contextual screening AI that scores talents based on your specific criterias.
AI screening for precise matches
Contextual screening AI that scores talents based on your specific criterias.
AI screening for precise matches
Contextual screening AI that scores talents based on your specific criterias.
AI screening for precise matches
Contextual screening AI that scores talents based on your specific criterias.
Focus on the Best Fits
Empowering you to pick the cream of the crop and outpace your usual screening process.
Focus on the Best Fits
Empowering you to pick the cream of the crop and outpace your usual screening process.
Focus on the Best Fits
Empowering you to pick the cream of the crop and outpace your usual screening process.
Focus on the Best Fits
Empowering you to pick the cream of the crop and outpace your usual screening process.
Highly personalized outreach
Automatically send AI-generated personalized messages to candidates.
Highly personalized outreach
Automatically send AI-generated personalized messages to candidates.
Highly personalized outreach
Automatically send AI-generated personalized messages to candidates.
Highly personalized outreach
Automatically send AI-generated personalized messages to candidates.
Follow-ups on autopilot
Automated sequences that ensure that you get an answer.
Follow-ups on autopilot
Automated sequences that ensure that you get an answer.
Follow-ups on autopilot
Automated sequences that ensure that you get an answer.
Follow-ups on autopilot
Automated sequences that ensure that you get an answer.
KPIs measurement
Analyze your opening and response rates to increase conversion.
KPIs measurement
Analyze your opening and response rates to increase conversion.
KPIs measurement
Analyze your opening and response rates to increase conversion.
KPIs measurement
Analyze your opening and response rates to increase conversion.
Double your hiring success rate with less time spent.
Put your Search, Screening and Outreach on autopilot to supercharge your sourcing process.
Double your hiring success rate with less time spent.
Put your Search, Screening and Outreach on autopilot to supercharge your sourcing process.
Double your hiring success rate with less time spent.
Put your Search, Screening and Outreach on autopilot to supercharge your sourcing process.
Double your hiring success rate with less time spent.
Put your Search, Screening and Outreach on autopilot to supercharge your sourcing process.